DWF has kept on 16 of 18 newly-qualified (NQs) lawyers in this year's intake, equating to a retention rate of 89%.

The firm, which runs just one trainee intake per year, offered all 18 trainees a role at the firm, with two opting not to accept.

Six of the NQs will now be based in the firm's Manchester office, with five in Liverpool, four in Leeds and one in London.

The northwest firm also offered all of its 2009 trainees a job at the firm with 16 out of 17 accepting, equating to a retention rate of 94%.

Managing partner Andrew Leaitherland (pictured) said: "I think we will be increasing our trainee intake in the next few years – you have got to look at these things with at least a two-year timeline and we are growing the firm rapidly.

"Leeds and London will particularly be seeing a bigger intake. Our contentious and premium niche areas are particularly busy at the moment, so our new trainees will meet our needs in these practices, but we foresee more of our trainees qualifying in to transactional areas as activity increases."

The NQs are spread across the firm's insurance, pensions, employment law, corporate and commercial practices.

DWF entered the top 50 rankings in 2009-10 after significant UK expansion saw it achieve a 17% hike in turnover to £71.5m during the financial year.