WINNER: 3 Verulam Buildings

Finalists 2010: 3 Verulam Buildings; Fountain Court Chambers; Guildhall Chambers; Hardwicke; Matrix Chambers; XXIV Old Buildings

London set 3 Verulam Buildings (3VB) impressed the judges with its drive to promote new talent and be flexible in the way it delivers its services. The set offers fixed and capped fees and is willing to deploy conditional fees. "Inspired and reassuringly commercial," is how one client described the fee structures offered by the set. It also has an express commitment to encourage the use of junior counsel where appropriate.

3VB has been regarded as a leader in banking litigation for many years. Unsurprisingly, its advocates have featured in a host of high-profile credit crunch-related cases, including BPI v Barclays, UBS v HSH Nordbank and UBS v Proton Bank. In all, six members of chambers were instructed in the bank charges litigation, which culminated in a Supreme Court hearing.

But the set is also widely acknowledged to have broken into the top tier of commercial work. It is currently appearing in some of the largest trials in the commercial court, including the 'Fiona Trust' litigation and a major dispute involving the British Gas billing system. Its commitment to its commercial litigation practice was underlined in September 2009 when Ali Malek QC, former head of the Commercial Bar Association, was unanimously voted in as head of chambers. He chairs the practice development committee and has taken on the challenge of broadening the number of law firms from which the chambers takes instructions. Over the last six months, he and senior practice manager Nick Hill have visited 40 law firms, both in the City of London and in key regional centres.

With turnover expected to increase by 14% in 2010, the set is also able to look to the future by offering the highest level of pupillage awards at the Bar – £60,000 for the year 2011-12.