Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer is set to formally launch its new associate development framework in the City next month, with bonuses to be measured against the scheme for the first time.

The new framework, the first step in Freshfields' move away from associate lockstep, will see junior lawyers assessed against the firm's 'milestone' criteria and told of their official level during the current appraisal round.

The bonus lawyers receive for 2010-11 will be based on the category they are placed in, with salaries to be aligned with the milestones, rather than associate lockstep, from 2012.

The structure sees an associate's career divided into four milestones: a foundation level entered into upon qualification, followed by levels one, two and three. Lawyers are assessed on seven core areas: technical skills; personal skills; client relationships; business advisory skills; business development; people and team skills; and project management, with the outcome determining whether they can move through to the next milestone in their career.

Freshfields first announced the idea in 2009 but delayed its introduction by a year until this spring. Last year the firm soft-launched the system, with trainees automatically entering the foundation level on qualification and remaining associates given a rough indication of their level.

Freshfields M&A partner Julian Long (pictured) said: "We wanted to introduce the milestone system on a gradual basis from 2009, so that people could get used to the change and understand the reasons behind it. It is important to help associates mark their personal development and have tangible goals that they can aim for rather than simply marking another year of post-qualification experience. The emphasis is on both delivering what our clients want and associate development."

The system also soft-launched in Asia last year and is set to be formally introduced across the whole global network in the course of 2011.