Barlows corporate chief Simon Gamblin on Ethics in the east of England and his comedy conundrum

Why did you become a lawyer? Having completed some summer placements with law firms, it clearly presented an interesting combination of commerce and intellectual rigour.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career? David Childs – who described me as the noisiest person he had ever had to share an office with when I was his trainee at Clifford Chance.

What's your proudest professional moment? Being asked to head up Barlows' corporate department. We have a terrific team.

…and worst day on the job? While I was at a former firm I was asked to work on the day my grandmother died – I would never ask that of anyone.

Aside from your own firm, which lawyer do you most admire and why? Lord Denning – now there was someone unfettered by precedent.

What's your strongest characteristic… and worst trait? Obsessiveness – on both counts.

What advice would you give to young deal lawyers starting out? Don't lose sight of your client's, and the deal's, commercial objectives: there is nothing worse than a lawyer unnecessarily dictating the terms and pace of a transaction.

What's the best part of your job? Closing deals – sad but true.

What's the toughest ethical/moral dilemma your job has ever presented you with? Isn't Ethics a county in the east of England? In all seriousness, if something does not pass the smell test it's simple: I've always declined to act.

What most annoys you about the legal profession? There is an over-supply of self-importance. I also see increasing desire in those entering the profession to specialise and stay in their comfort zone. The best lawyers can use their skillsets over wide-ranging types of transactions.

What's your strongest card – technical wizardry or smooth client skills? If you're smooth it shouldn't be obvious and technical excellence is hidden by the simplicity of advice given.

What's the worst corporate event you've ever attended? An event I organised for lawyers when the hired comedy act caused our human resources team to have their busiest ever morning the next day. I still have nightmares about it… and counselling.

Most memorable deal you ever have worked on and why? I spent two weeks in Iran last year on behalf of a European national company: the challenges were immense but it was hugely memorable.

What is the daftest bit of corporate jargon you've heard (and did you smirk)? I don't enjoy being asked about the size of my pipeline. Why can't people just ask if there is a good flow of work?

What will be the most significant market trend in terms of your practice area over the next 12 months? Despite recent world events we are continuing to see a higher level of instructions. Increasingly we are being instructed by overseas clients with an interest in UK assets or generally in simply using English law agreements. We are also seeing significant instructions relating to Africa for the first time.

Do you see yourself having a career outside law? Not exclusively.

What's your favourite item of clothing? My scarf – wholly unfit for purpose but I like it.

What's your favourite cheese? Laughing Cow – it is so versatile. Failing that, Epoisses.

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