Bird & Bird has made up just two partners in a significantly diminished promotions round for the firm.

Both of the new partners are based in the firm's City HQ and are both female. Sophie Eyre, a member of the international dispute resolution group who joined the firm via its merger with City boutique Lane & Partners in 2008, and corporate lawyer Helen Gavin-Brown, who has worked at the firm for six years, will join the partnership as of 1 May.

Bird & Bird CEO David Kerr (pictured) commented: "These appointments are well-deserved and reflect their sustained delivery of outstanding client service. We welcome Sophie and Helen to the partnership."

Commenting on the relatively low number of promotions, the firm said that it is now treating the partner promotions process with less rigour and is open to adding new partners also at other times of the year. It most recently made up two new partners – one in Paris and one in Helsinki – in November last year.

However, it comes after the firm made up 10 partners in last year's May promotions.

That round saw just one City partner made up – disputes partner Jonathan Speed – with the remaining nine based across the European offices.

The firm said it will have around 230 partners firmwide as of 1 May, including 15 lateral partners that it has hired over the past two years.

The only other firm to announce an all-female partner promotions round this year was Trowers & Hamlins, which made up six female partners, all of which were also based in London.

Separately, London firm Speechly Bircham has added four lawyers to its partnership across its financial services, real estate, private wealth and construction practices. The appointments, which will take effect on 1 May, are all in the firm's London headquarters.