Olswang has become the first firm to sign up for a pilot scheme to accept trainee solicitors from Acculaw, a newly-launched body that will take on and second trainee solicitors to law firms.

The company, which received approval this month from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), will offer training contracts to law graduates, who will then be seconded to City law firms and in-house legal departments in order to complete their training, with Acculaw ensuring that all regulatory requirements are met.

The unusual venture has been touted as a means for law firms to gain more flexibility with regards to their trainee intake, as the current regime means law firms commit to taking on trainees two years ahead of when they are needed. Acculaw is the first non-legal service provider to gain accreditation from the SRA.

Olswang has now become the first law firm to commit to a pilot with Acculaw, which says it will only take on trainees to match specific commitments from law firms and in-house legal teams. Trainees are employed by Acculaw – rather than the firm itself – at a minimum of £20,000 per annum.

Olswang director of HR Ffion Griffith commented:"We can confirm that we are piloting the Acculaw scheme with one trainee. Our piloting of this service in no way reflects upon our current recruitment. We are piloting the scheme to see if it can help flex up our recruitment needs during times of high activity levels for the firm."

Acculaw founder Susan Cooper commented: "This is a new model developed by Acculaw to respond to many pressures being put on firms and in-house legal departments, but also to offer greater opportunities for those trying to enter the legal profession."

She added: "Smaller firms and in-house legal departments may have a trainee requirement but are not keen to manage the secondment process which is necessary to ensure their trainee is trained in the minimum practice areas required by the SRA. Acculaw handles this for their clients allowing them to focus on the training of their future lawyers."

The launch comes in response to financial pressures facing City firms, many of which cancelled or deferred training contracts during 2009 and 2010. Olswang itself deferred its September 2011 trainee intake and cancelled its 2013 London recruitment round to reduce the firm's trainee numbers due to "changes in client demand".

Olswang's September 2011 trainees will now start their contracts in 2012, with the 2012 intake deferred until 2013, with the next round of training contract vacancies delayed until September 2014 and March 2015. Deferred trainees will be offered the option to study an MA in Law at BPP.

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