A claim of alleged slander brought by Solicitors from Hell owner Rick Kordowski against Law Society chief executive Desmond Hudson has been struck out of court.

Kordowski had claimed Hudson (pictured) slandered him in comments he allegedly made to Professor John Flood of the University of Westminster in which, according to a blog published by Flood on 22 July this year, he called Kordowski a "criminal".

In a ruling today (21 October) Mr Justice Tugendhat dismissed Kordowski's proceedings as "an abuse of the process of the court", stating that there was "no evidence of any real or substantial harm to Mr Kordowski". The hearing took place in the High Court on 12 October this year.

Tugendhat added that a "different consideration would have been applied" if Kordowski had bought a libel action against Hudson. However, he went on to say that "nothing in this judgment should be taken as an encouragement to him to take that course."

Kordowski launched the Solicitors from Hell website as a forum for people to name and shame solicitors that have allegedly not performed an adequate service.

Hudson's remarks to Flood were made at the BBC studios in London, where the pair were participating in a debate on Kordowski's actions.

In the wake of Hudson's alleged comments being published, Kordowski asked for £1m in damages, before changing this and instead making demands including a summary judgment in his favour, an apology from Hudson and confirmation the statement was false, as well as £10,000.

A Law Society spokesperson said: "An application was made for the claim to be struck out. The court granted the application, on the basis the proceedings were an abuse of process. Mr Kordowski was ordered to pay £14,000 in costs and his application for permission to appeal was refused."

Matrix Chambers Hugh Tomlinson QC advised Hudson on the case, while Kordowski was represented by Cloisters' Jonathan Crystal.

The Law Society also sent a letter of claim to Kordowski in August this year warning him that if he did not take down his website a class action would be taken out against him.

City law firm Brett Wilson is currently in the process of contacting the law firms mentioned on the Solicitors from Hell website, on behalf of the Law Society, to establish whether they wish to participate in the class action.