K&L Gates has become the latest US firm to announce its global partner promotions, with one new partner made up in its London base.

The promotions round, which will take effect in five weeks' time (1 March), is mainly made up of lawyers in the firm's domestic US offices, with just six of the 30 new partners made up in its international network.

London lawyer James Mottram has been appointed to the UK partnership. Mottram specialises in corporate tax work, in particular funds taxation and international structuring.

Elsewhere, the firm has added two new partners in Singapore, as well as one apiece in Berlin, Frankfurt and Warsaw.

Seven lawyers will join the partnership in the firm's Pittsburgh headquarters, with three new partners in Washington DC and Chicago respectively. The other US promotions are spread across the firm's offices in Boston, Charlotte, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, Palo Alto, Raleigh, Seattle and Spokane.

The number of promotions is down on last year, when the firm made one partner appointment in London as a part of a 44-strong global promotions round.

Global chairman Peter Kalis commented: "We're very fortunate to have a continuing inflow into our partnership of such able lawyers from our own ranks. This year is no exception with 30 new partners from 17 different offices of the firm."

K&L Gates partner promotions in full

Thomas Derlin, corporate, Berlin
Mark Duggan, investment management, Boston
Karen Nelson, real estate finance, Charlotte
Michael Beckett, IP, Chicago
Carolyn Jayne, funds, Chicago
James Reiland, litigation, Chicago
Sandi Elrod, real estate finance, Dallas
Christian Buche, banking, Frankfurt
James Mottram, tax, London
Kevin Asfour, litigation, Los Angeles
Christina Paul, products liability, Miami
Christopher Tillson, corporate, Miami
Christine Redfield, IP, Palo Alto
Jennifer O'Hara, corporate, Pittsburgh
Maria Trainor, corporate, Pittsburgh
Charles Pegher, real estate, Pittsburgh
Michael Schalk, litigation, Pittsburgh
Andrew Stanton, litigation, Pittsburgh
Christopher Verdini, litigation, Pittsburgh
Christopher Wolfe, IP, Pittsburgh
Anthony Barwick, real estate, Raleigh
Heidi Eckel Alessi, employment, Seattle
Rachal Winger, IP, Seattle
Lawrence Altman, corporate finance, Singapore
Ian Fisher, disputes, Singapore
Brian Werst, general municipal law, Spokane
Piotr Augustyniak, tax, Warsaw
Holly Spencer Bunting, banking, Washington DC
David Tallman, banking, Washington DC
Eric Rusnak, regulatory, Washington DC