The teeming crowd – Riding a dynamic private sector in one of the world's most touted emerging economies, Indian law firms have rapidly evolved in recent years. Friederike Heine asks if this legal elite is ready to compete on the global stage

New Delhi dawn – The Indian Government is trying to make India an arbitration hub, but much investment and political change is still needed, say Stephenson Harwood's Kamal Shah and Jide Adesokan

Market forces – Ritvik Lukose describes how the local recruitment market has been shaped by the changing Indian legal scene

Ringing in new regulation – Linklaters' Sandeep Katwala outlines the key recent developments affecting foreign firms operating in India

The spectrum scam – India's biggest corruption scandal badly affected the Government's reputation. Majmudar & Co's Akil Hirani sizes up the impact for foreign investors of February's Supreme Court ruling in the 2G case