CMS Cameron McKenna is scaling back its controversial back office outsourcing agreement with Integreon, with the news coming days after Osborne Clarke (OC) confirmed it was reducing the scope of its own agreement with the outsourcer.

CMS managing partner Duncan Weston said the firm was looking for an alternative third-party provider to take one part of the facilities services agreement it signed with Integreon in May 2010.

The firm would not confirm which part of the contract was being reviewed or how many staff could be affected by the plans.

However, at the same time as confirming the review of the back office contract, CMS said Integreon would be increasing the amount of legal process outsourcing it carries out for the firm.

The news comes barely two years after the £600m contract, which covered virtually CMS' entire UK back office function came into effect. At the time of announcing the deal CMS said it would cover a 10-year period.

Weston said in a statement: "Integreon remains a trusted and strategic procurement partner for us in delivering efficiencies for the firm and our clients. In collaboration with Integreon and as part of good business practice, we continually review all aspects of these services to ensure those efficiencies are maintained.

"We can confirm that we are currently considering the possibility of an alternative third party provider for one part of the facilities services currently provided by Integreon and they are leading the sourcing project to find us the best in class facilities provider. In addition Integreon is increasing the provision of legal process support for our firm and our clients.

"Employees have been informed and both CMS and Integreon are committed to confirming final decisions as soon as possible."

Earlier this week (25 March) Bristol-headquartered OC announced it will see at least 65 staff return after deciding to bring a number of support functions back in-house from Integreon. OC originally sent 75 staff to the outsourcer as part of a deal agreed in 2009.