Clifford Chance (CC) and Linklaters have both announced their annual partner promotions, with both firms seeing one quarter of their new partners made up in London.

CC has made up 20 lawyers, including five in London – finance lawyers Peter Dahlen and Oliver Hipperson, corporate specialists Tom Evans and Nick Hughes and litigator Maxine Mossman.

The remainder of the promotions are spread across the firm's offices in Duesseldorf, New York, Paris, Madrid, Frankfurt, Riyadh, Milan and Amsterdam, with three lawyers made up in Asia – two in Singapore and one in Shanghai.

The appointments, which come into effect on 1 May, will bring the firm's global partner count to 589. Last year the firm promoted 27 to partner, including four in London

CC managing partner David Childs said: "Many of this year's new partners have demonstrated a strong commitment to supporting the growth of the firm's offering internationally, including leading development efforts in a wide range of markets beyond their 'home' office, into Scandinavia, the Middle East, Latin America and South East Asia.

"This international mind-set is at the heart of our firm's culture and it is very pleasing to see our principles so clearly embodied in these individuals."

Meanwhile, fellow magic circle firm Linklaters has made up 24 lawyers to its partnership, with 18 based outside of London.

The total number is marginally up from last year, when 23 were made up. As was the case last year, six lawyers have joined the partnership in the City this year, including two litigators, Ben Carroll and Harriet Ellis, Edward Aldred in banking, Timothy Lowe in tax and corporate duo Stuart Boyd and Savi Hebbur.

The bulk of this year's promotions are in the firm's European offices, with two each in Paris, Madrid, Frankfurt and Brussels, and one each in Amsterdam, Dusseldorf, Moscow, Warsaw, Dubai and Lisbon.

The remaining partners include two in New York, as well as one in Hong Kong and one in Beijing.

Linklaters senior partner Robert Elliott said: "These promotions underline our commitment to invest in our global practices in order to enhance the breadth and depth of expertise we offer our clients."

The rounds complete this year's partner promotions across the magic circle, after Allen & Overy last month made up 19 lawyers, including six in London, while March saw Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer and Slaughter and May promote 14 and two respectively.

Clifford Chance partner promotions in full

Matthew Buchanan – Singapore, finance
Peter Christ – Duesseldorf, corporate
Clifford Cone – New York, capital markets
Peter Dahlen – London, finance
Emmanuel Durand – Paris, litigation and dispute resolution
Tom Evans – London, corporate
Simon Greenberg – Paris, litigation and dispute resolution
Antonio Henriquez – Madrid, capital markets
Oliver Hipperson – London, finance
Ross Howard – Paris, finance
Nick Hughes – London, corporate
Gerold Jaeger – Frankfurt, real estate
Paul Latto – Riyadh, finance
Ferdinando Poscio – Milan, finance
Maxine Mossman – London, litigation and dispute resolution
Melissa Ng – Singapore, corporate
Jiahua Ni – Shanghai, finance
Thomas Reischauer – Frankfurt, real estate
Titus de Vries – Amsterdam, finance
Jose Luis Zamarro – Madrid, corporate

Linklaters partner promotions in full

Cyril Abtan, banking & projects, Paris
Edward Aldred, banking, London
Stuart Boyd, mainstream corporate, London
Ben Carroll, litigation, London
Kevin Cheung, mainstream corporate, Beijing
Daniel Cousens, mainstream corporate, Warsaw
Veronique Delaittre, capital markets, Paris
Harriet Ellis, litigation, London
Francisco Ferraz de Carvalho, finance & projects, Lisbon
Paloma Fierro, financial regulation group, Madrid
Daniel Gendron, banking, Amsterdam
Savi Hebbur, mainstream corporate, London
Staffan Illert, mainstream corporate, Dusseldorf
Aaron Javian, banking, New York
Stephen Le Vesconte, banking & projects, Hong Kong
Nicholas Lippens, tax, Brussels
Lev Loukhton, mainstream corporate, Moscow
Timothy Lowe, tax, London
Victor Manchado, mainstream corporate, Madrid
Daniel Pauly, TMT, Frankfurt
Christian Storck, capital markets, Frankfurt
Justin Storms, investment management, New York
Pieter Van Den Broecke, intellectual property, Brussels
Kieron Zaman, banking & projects, Dubai
