Stephenson Harwood has announced its financial results for the 2012-13 financial year, confirming 2% growth in revenues.

The firm has reported revenue of £112.3m, up on the figure of £110.2m taken in last year. Profits per equity partner (PEP) is as yet unconfirmed. Last year the firm saw PEP fall to £500,000, down from £610,000 in 2010-11.

The past financial year has seen the firm launch in Dubai, while it has also officially opened a representative office in Beijing, after its application for a licence to set up an outpost was given the go-ahead by the Ministry of Justice late last year.

Chief executive Sharon White (pictured) said: "In spite of another year of challenging market conditions, we have been able to grow our revenues. We continue to look ahead and this year we have made some major investments including the recruitment of 12 new partners and the opening of offices in Dubai and Beijing."

Highlights during the past financial year have included acting for Indonesia's Lion Air on a $24bn aircraft order, advising Hitachi on its bid on a £1.8bn contract to provide rolling stock for London's Crossrail and securing a judicial review win for Victor Tchenguiz following the high-profile Serious Fraud Office dawn raids in 2011.

The firm also advised former HBOS executive Peter Cummings on his investigation by the Financial Services Authority and the liquidators of Rangers Football Club on litigation relating to the takeover of the club by former Rangers owner Craig Whyte.