According to recent research, around two-thirds of senior executives believe their sector is attractive to cyber hackers. Such opinions are well founded: recent victims of cyber crime include JP Morgan Chase, American Express and HSBC.

In a recent survey, 75% of employers in law firms with annual turnover above £500m thought they were likely to be the subject of cyber attacks. Less than a third of people working in law firms, however, believe that their top management fully understand the issues around around cyber security, compared with a more reasonable 36% of non-law employees.

In this video, Stroz Friedberg executive managing director Seth Berman talks to Legal Week publisher John Malpas about these issues and more, including:

- a look at case studies on cyber attacks and specific cyber threats for law firms;
- BYOD (bring your own device) and cyber security, and phishing/spear phishing; and
- a checklist to assess your firm's preparedness for a cyber attack and cyber security status.