Clifford Chance (CC) is trialling a work-related stress programme for its senior associates, extending its trainee psychological well-being scheme to more employees.

The firm launched a modular graduate development initiative, called the performance optimisation programme (POP), last August in a bid to increase focus on psychological well-being in the workplace.

CC diversity manager Sarah Twite is now overseeing a similar pilot for the firm's senior associates, which launched six weeks ago. The firm has partnered with specialist consultancy Positive on both schemes.

The trainee initiative is currently delivered across the firm's accelerated seven-month Legal Practice Course (LPC) and the firm's two-week induction programme. It comprises two face-to-face workshops and monthly communications to encourage participants to use the tools and apply coping strategies they have learned.

The scheme, which marked CC's first internal drive to offer targeted preventative measures to a specific employee group, applies evidence-based tools and techniques from cognitive, behavioural and positive psychology.

CC graduate recruitment and development manager Laura Yeates said that since the programme started CC's absence levels have "significantly" decreased, and that they are now able to spot individuals who may require occupational health support at an earlier stage.

She added: "We continue to be focused on delivering an innovative training contract programme for our graduates and our proud to be at the cutting edge of developments in this field.

"I'm not aware of any other law firm offering this type of modular programme focused on building resilience throughout the trainee life cycle. We are committed to normalising issues relating to mental health and the POP programme focuses on building psychological resilience."

The news comes after Hogan Lovells introduced an on-site counselling service earlier this year as part of a wider wellbeing awareness review. Staff are able to access a counsellor based at the firm for two days per week.