Taylor Wessing has promoted 12 associates to its partnership, taking the number of partners worldwide to 400.

The all-male promotions round includes seven partners in the firm's German offices, three in London, and two in Warsaw. The seven German promotions are spread across the bases in Hamburg, Berlin, Dusseldorf and Munich.

Two corporate technology specialists, Andrew Davis and Phil Shepherd, will become partners in the London office, along with Amar Ali, who will be joiining the finance team.

By practice area, employment and pensions has received the highest number of promotions with three. The rest of the new partners are split between finance, real estate, China group, capital markets and M&A.

All promotions came into effect on 1 May.

In a statement, Tim Eyles (pictured), UK managing partner, said: "As associates these individuals have proved themselves to be great lawyers with a real instinct for business. I'm sure they will continue to be a real asset to their clients and to Taylor Wessing, as they bSave as draftring their different qualities to the partnership during an exciting period of international growth."

Last year's promotions round also focused on Germany, with 10 of the 16 new partners taking up positions in the country.

Promotions in full

Amar Ali – Finance – London
Johannes Callet – Real Estate – Berlin
Andrew Davis – Corporate Technology – London
Mike Goldammer – China Group – Munich
Dennis Lüers – Employment & Pensions – Munich
Guido Norman Motz – Employment & Pensions – Dusseldorf
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