Finalists: Aluko & Oyebode • Baker & McKenzie • Webber Wentzel • White & Case

It was Bowman Gilfillan's victory in the high-profile case against manufacturer Cape Gate by South Africa's Competition Commission that handed Bowman Gilfillan the prize for Competition and Regulatory Team of the Year.

In 2009 the commission recommended that Bowman client Cape Gate and ArcelorMittal South Africa (AMSA) be fined 10% of their turnover for price fixing and allocating the steel market. The two companies sought to access the leniency application filed by the whistleblower – Scaw South Africa – which after many rounds of court battles ultimately culminated in the Supreme Court of Appeal issuing a landmark ruling in favour of Cape Gate and AMSA, ordering the commission to grant access to the leniency application and supporting documents.