Legal process outsourcer Integreon is looking at opening a new office in America as well as expanding its operations in South Africa and Poland.

Integreon is considering several potential stateside locations, with Texas the most likely location for the new office, which is expected to be operational at some point this year. 

The firm already has four 'delivery' centres in the US: Boston, Fargo, New York and Washington DC.

Plans to expand its business in the US come as Integreon also looks to grow in South Africa, where it recently moved to a new office in Johannesburg. It now plans to expand there in response to increasing demand in the region for its strategic and market research services.

"We specialise in doing stuff that's routine and competitive," said chief executive Bob Gogel. "We benefit from knowing the process and we can do it at a lower cost, but people think it's much more mysterious than that."

Integreon opened a market research base in Krakow last year with a permanent staff of around five. Though the team was established for internal data projects at large corporates, the company is now putting it to use to assess the possibility of setting up a larger base to handle litigation work in Eastern Europe.

In London, Integreon moved out of CMS Cameron McKenna's Mitre House base to a new London home near Tower Hill this February.

The company will continue to service CMS' UK back office functions with a dedicated set of staff within Integreon's new office , when the law firm moves offices later this year, rather than sitting within CMS.