The Addleshaw Goddard corporate head on confused American clients, being modest and failing to become an astronaut

Why did you become a lawyer?
Unfortunately, despite my undoubted talents in other areas I failed to become a professional footballer or get into the NASA astronaut programme. Law was the default option.
Who has been the biggest influence on your career?
Tim Wheldon and Ian McIntosh: great commercially minded transactional lawyers with the human touch – one a current and one a former Addleshaws partner. They helped shape what I have become, albeit latterly three children, including twin girls, has been character building.
What's your proudest professional moment?
Hopefully still to come when I finally call it a day, look back and think that wasn't a bad innings.

… and worst day on the job?
The three house moves where I was missing in action closing transactions and had to leave my wife to it – she ensured each ranks in the bottom three.

Aside from your own firm, which lawyer do you most admire and why?  
My wife, because she says so. Please see preceding answer as well.
What's your strongest characteristic… and worst trait?
Modesty – for both.

What advice would you give to young deal lawyers starting out?
Work hard, enjoy it, make sure you properly understand your clients' objectives and, crucially, the objectives of the other side. Finally, to quote Kipling: "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same; yours is the Earth and everything that's in it."
What's the best part of your job?
I get paid to think, read, write and argue all day long all in the cause of helping other people succeed – what's not to like?

What most annoys you about the legal profession?
Too many lawyers thinking that making clever points is the same as delivering well for their clients.

What's the most unusual/shocking request you've ever had from a client?
When some recently arrived American clients thought that a full-service law firm meant we would procure all manner of recreational activities for them… they were not clients for long.

What's the most memorable deal you have ever worked on and why?  
Too many to single out one; they range from the entrepreneur who started from a market stall who I helped sell his business for several hundred million, to the large corporate that needed to get a deal closed to avoid going bust. The common theme is working with inspirational people where you make a real difference in helping them achieve their objectives and them recognising it.
Do you see yourself having a career outside law?
Not for the time being… hopefully my team agree, though I fear that some of my partners might be less sure.
What's your favourite item of clothing?
My surfing top – and no I don't surf!
It's midnight and you're in the office for the night. Where's your takeaway from?
I prefer to wait for breakfast but, if I was forced, the best Indian restaurant I could find.

What are your desert island discs?
Bruce Springsteen – Land of Hope and Dreams; The Gaslight Anthem – Blue Jeans and White T-Shirts; Train – Hey, Soul Sister; Billy Joel – My Life; and The Smiths – Panic.

What's your favourite box set?
The Godfather, with House of Cards (the Kevin Spacey version) coming along the rails.