Allen & Overy (A&O) has made up 22 lawyers in this year's partner promotions round, including nine women, bringing female representation among the magic circle firm's partnership to 17%.

The 22-strong promotions round, which takes effect on 1 May, is an increase on the 16 made up last year. The proportion of female appointments is also significantly up on 2014, when just two women were made up.

This year's promotions are spread across 12 offices in 11 countries, with more than two thirds (68%) outside London. The seven lawyers made up in the City are Annabelle Croker, Lisa Goransson and Nigel Parker in corporate, Jocelyn Land and David Oppenheimer in banking, Jeff Hendrickson in capital markets and Mark Ridgway in litigation.

Six practice areas are represented, with the largest number – seven – in banking, followed by corporate with five.

As well as two new partners in A&O's New York and Washington DC offices, the appointments include three US-qualified lawyers based outside the states, including Hendrickson in London.

Managing partner Wim Dejonghe commented: "This year's promotions underline our strategy of continued investment in our core developed markets, particularly in France, Germany and Spain, which make up more than 30% of our new partners.

"The US is also a key market for us, where we are focused on sustained investment to create long-term growth. This is why we are pleased to see a number of US-qualified lawyers made up in both the US and other offices around the network."

A&O partner promotions in full

Abu Dhabi
Ian Bevan, real estate

Aroen Kuitenbrouwer, banking

Inge Vanderreken, employment

Stefan Henkelmann, capital markets
Markus Kaepplinger, corporate (US-qualified)

Hong Kong
Fiona Cumming, banking

Annabelle Croker, corporate
Lisa Goransson, corporate
Jeff Hendrickson, capital markets (US-qualified)
Jocelyn Land, banking
David Oppenheimer, banking
Nigel Parker, corporate
Mark Ridgway, litigation

Peter Myners, corporate

Inigo Del Val, corporate
Jimena Urretavizcaya, banking

Pietro Scarfone, banking

New York
Laura Hall, litigation

Alexandre Rudoni, litigation (US-qualified)
Julien Sebastien, capital markets
Marie Stoyanov, litigation

Washington DC
Jean Lee, banking