Why did you become a lawyer?

I was inspired by Portia in The Merchant of Venice.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career?

Other than my family – who told me to be the best that I could be at whatever I chose to do in life – the senior partner of my first (and only) law firm and my predecessor as legal director at MTR would be the people I find myself quoting the most.

What's your proudest professional moment?

When my team get the recognition they deserve.

… and worst day on the job?

When I had to sing (in Chinese) on stage in front of 1,700 people at an annual awards dinner.

gill-meller-webWhat made you choose in-house over private practice?

The tangible nature of the work and the opportunity to get involved in the business.

What's your strongest characteristic… and worst trait?

My strongest characteristics are my energy, resilience and ability to get on with people.

My worst trait? That my ability to sing falls far short of my enthusiasm for singing!

What advice would you give to young lawyers starting out?

Work hard, value experience – watch and listen to people who've done it before – and take risks in your career.

What's the best part of your job?

The challenge. Companies are constantly evolving, the legal and regulatory environment around the world is getting more complex all of the time and, increasingly, the public has an expectation that companies will 'do the right thing' – and we have to give advice in that context.

What impresses you most when law firms pitch for work?

An understanding of who we are and what we do, and not just by the partners – I want to meet the people who are going to be doing the work and I want them to have that understanding.

… and where do they most often slip up?

By turning up late and blaming the trains…

What's the most common misconception of in-house lawyers?

That we have an easy life!

What's the most memorable deal you ever have worked on and why?

A project in India, where some mornings we had to climb over a cow to get into the office and onto the roof (through the chairman's toilet) to make international calls on a satellite phone!

Do you see yourself having a career outside law?

Never say never.

What's your favourite item of clothing?

If I tell you that I have a shoe cupboard in my office that might give you an idea…

It's midnight and you're in the office for the night. Where's your takeaway from?

I try not to be in the office at midnight very often.

What are your desert island discs?

Now, this is the most difficult question… I would say (in no particular order) American Pie, The Gambler (you've got to love a bit of Kenny Rogers), She Bangs the Drums (showing my Northern roots), Honky Tonk Women, You Shook Me All Night Long (sorry…), Vissi D'Arte from Tosca (to add a bit of culture), Mr Brightside and Damien Rice's The Blower's Daughter.

Favourite box set?

Probably one of the Scandinavian series – The Killing I think.

Gill Meller is the chair of Legal Week's upcoming Corporate Counsel Forum Hong Kong, which will be held on 18 June. For more information and to claim your free place click here