Ireland's legal services market has proved more resilient than initially feared in the aftermath of the financial crisis, which hit the country hard. For the past few years the legal sector has been thriving as the country's pro-business stance has boosted optimism and finance flows, attracting trillions of euros in funds as well as huge corporate behemoths like Google, Twitter and Facebook to its shores.

"2015 has been consistently busy and it looks likely to remain so," says Ed Butler, managing partner at LK Shields. "There is a more substantial and confident feel to the market than in 2014 – a little less hesitant and more optimistic. Possibilities are opening up. Cranes and scaffolding are in evidence in Dublin once again, there's pressure on commercial premises and the government is committed to business-friendly policies and improving infrastructure, so the indicators for 2016 are positive."

Irish law firm Mason Hayes & Curran increased its revenue by 25% in 2014 to €60m (£42.8m). According to managing partner Declan Black, about 40% of this growth related to work undertaken on behalf of international clients operating in Ireland. The strong results also reflected the uptick in activity in the Irish economy generally.