O'Melveny & Myers winnersFinalists: Ashurst; Giles Wilson; Hogan Lovells; Paul Hastings (highly commended); PLMJ.

O'Melveny & Myers received the training innovation award for its campaign to help junior lawyers perform their day-to-day tasks more efficiently.

The firm developed an online litigation learning system that details the 400 most common tasks lawyers typically have to undertake, allowing junior lawyers to click on a task to find out the most efficient way to perform it, drawing on the firm's previous work, digital resources and litigation expertise.

This serves as a 'just-in-time' training session, speeding up the litigation process and translating into cost savings for clients. The programme also enables personnel at all levels to view their roles within the overall litigation process, encouraging them to brush up on any tasks with which they are unfamiliar.

As more lawyers use the search function, the smarter and more efficient the programme becomes. And the system is constantly updated with more relevant arguments or precedents, with users invited to suggest better methods of performing tasks.

This crowd-sourced, knowledge-sharing structure means the training system is continuously being refined and improved. "This firm has developed an original, intuitive and very thorough system. The crowd-sourcing approach to improving the programme gets a big tick," one judge enthused.

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