Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro and opposition leader Juan Guaidó

The fight over who is the rightful President of Venezuela has spilled over into a U.S. courtroom, as two Big law firms vie to represent the Venezuelan Government.

Arnold & Porter ceased representing Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and began representing Venezuelan Opposition President Juan Guiadó after the United States recognised Guiadó as the leader of Venezuela. After Arnold & Porter switched sides, Venable stepped in and began representing Maduro.

The two firms are now quarreling in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, as each claims they represent the rightful head of Venezuela. Arnold & Porter and Venable did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

On February 12, Arnold & Porter attorneys asked for a stay in a case regarding a demand by a Canadian gold producer for compensation tied to Venezuela's expropriation of its property.

"A stay is necessary to allow the newly installed government of Juan Guaidó, Interim President of the Republic, sufficient time to evaluate its position in this and other cases involving the Republic currently pending in U.S. courts," the firm said in the court filing.

The motion was granted on February 14.

On February 22, Venable filed a response to the motion for a stay on behalf of Venezuela's Attorney General of the Republic, Reinaldo Muñoz Pedroza. In the court filings submitted by Venable attorneys Moxila Upadhyaya and Michael MacWilliams, the firm disputed Arnold & Porter's assertion that they are the rightful legal representatives of Venezuela.

"[W]hile the Republic does not oppose the stay that has been granted, it strenuously objects to Arnold & Porter's position that the Republic has no right to participate in these proceedings by virtue of President Trump's official statement," Venable said in the court filing.

The firm also added that "[w]hile there is well-established law about" whether an unrecognised state is entitled to certain privileges and immunities, it has never been suggested that an unrecognised state may not defend itself when "hauled into court".

On February 28, Arnold & Porter attorneys Kent Yalowitz and E Whitney Debevoise moved to strike the response to the motion of stay, disputing Venable's claim to rightful representation of Venezuela.

Arnold & Porter has long represented Venezuelan leaders, dating back to 1984, according to U.S. Department of Justice filings under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The firm jumped to Guiadó after U.S. President Donald Trump and 30 countries  recognized Guiadó as the de facto leader of Venezuela.

Venable has represented a variety of interests in Hong Kong, Venezuela and Malaysia since at least 2009, according to FARA filings.

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