Aleen Gulvanessian

Aleen Gulvanessian joined legacy firm Eversheds in 1981. She is now a corporate partner in the London office, heads the firm's in-house lawyers team, and is currently advising cheesemaker Dairy Crest on its £975 million sale to Canadian dairy company Saputo.

Why did you become a lawyer? I wasn't sufficiently interested in my A-level subjects to study those, so my sister suggested I read law. I didn't intend to become a lawyer but then I got hooked.

Who has been the biggest influence on your career? I have been fortunate enough to work with seriously impressive executives as my clients and whether they realise it or not, observing them and how they operate has really helped me develop my own style and what I do.

Proudest professional moment? A client told me he had named his new Aston Martin after me because he regarded me as responsible for the deal that allowed him to buy it. It drove nicely too…!

…and worst day on the job? I try to put bad things behind me and just move on.

Which rival lawyer do you most admire and why? As an M&A lawyer, I am lucky to be working on high-profile deals with great lawyers on the other side, so it's tricky to single out one. Generally, I admire lawyers who are smart and commercial and know how to get a deal done.

Your strongest characteristic… and worst trait? Telling it the way it is – some like it, some don't!

Best part of your job? Negotiating deals and being in the boardroom with clients when they are taking strategic decisions – boardroom dynamics fascinate me.

Most unusual/shocking request you've ever had from a client? I'm really not easily shocked!

Standout deal you've worked on in 2019 and why? We're not far into the year and I am currently working on the recently announced bid for Dairy Crest Group for £975m – takeovers are always exciting and it's such a relief when they have been announced, so you are no longer obsessive about price sensitivity.

Most memorable deal and why? I was involved in a three-way cross-border joint venture that was tricky for a number of reasons commercially and took some 18 months to conclude, with negotiations in London and Singapore. What was both tricky and fun about it was that we were all from different countries, cultures and religions, so everyone came at things from different angles; negotiations were interesting but we found a way to work together and respect each other's views – and we got there.

What most annoys you about the legal profession? Lawyers who say they've never conceded that point before… they're normally lying! Just say no and explain why not.

Daftest bit of corporate jargon you've heard (and did you smirk)? Anything that sounds like it came out of W1A [the BBC satire on corporate life], but "squaring the circle" has to be a top one – what does that even mean?! I just cringe when people say that.

What advice would you give to young deal lawyers starting out? Listen, take notes, use common sense and always keep your sense of humour (you are going to need it!).

Do you see yourself having a career outside law? I think it would be interesting to take on non-executive directorships…

Favourite item of clothing? Well that changes weekly (often scarves)… I have a shopping habit!

It's midnight and you're in the office for the night, where's your takeaway from? Lebanese mezze.

What are your desert island discs? Van Morrison, Nina Simone, Mozart's Così fan tutte and some dance music… something for every mood.

Favourite boxset(s)? Any Scandi thriller – the darker, the better.

Favourite cheese? Why, Dairy Crest's of course! Cathedral City for every day and their five-year-old vintage Davidstow for a treat.