Six top DWF executives have become multimillionaires following the firm's listing on the London Stock Exchange today (March 11).

Andrew Leaitherland, the firm's chief executive and managing partner, will hold 2.4 percent of the firm's shares, which based on the firm's £366 million market capitalisation puts his holding at £8.8 million, the firm's prospectus shows.

Others on the board who stand to make millions include: the firm's insurance CEO Glynn Jones and commercial services chief Stephen Miles, who will hold £4.4 million apiece; partner director Matthew Doughty – who was the key architect behind the deal – has a 0.9 percent share valued at £3.3 million, as does firm chairman Sir Nigel Knowles; while head of the firm's international business Stefan Paciorek is in line for £4 million.