Two more Australian law firms are reopening their Perth offices and planning how to reopen others as governments around the country lift more COVID-19 restrictions.

Top tier corporate firm Gilbert + Tobin reopened its Perth office this week with alternating teams coming into the office of 70 people.

The firm will carry out a phased reopening of its Sydney and Melbourne offices over June and July, with attendance in the office initially limited to 25% of capacity.

"We expect in the initial phase, staff will make their own call about their need to come in, versus continuing to work from home. In order to achieve lower densities to meet our risk management plan, we will need significant numbers to continue to work from home for some time," the firm said in a statement.

A week after allowing 10 people in a bar or restaurant, the NSW government announced on Friday it would allow 50 people from June 1. Victoria has also eased its restrictions, last week announcing people could invite five friends or family members to their home.

King & Wood Mallesons is reopening its Perth office from Monday May 25, but will limit numbers and allow staff to choose if they would prefer to work from home.

The firm said some "intangible benefits" had come out of the work-from-home regime, despite the challenges, and it was working to capture them.

"This includes the support and appreciation shown across teams, the greater human connection despite physical isolation and the level of trust, flexibility and respect shown for each other given individual circumstances and needs," the firm said in a statement. "We will continue to engage with our people to understand how best to embed these benefits for the longer term."

MinterEllison did not respond to requests for comment.


Read more:

Law Firms in Australia Begin Opening Offices, but Remote Working May Win Out