We are switching gear this week. So far this year, we've had quite a bit of news from the India market. But the unfortunate COVID-19 got most of the attention recently. We will review some recent stories about market liberalization, Indian firms and Indian lawyers. And we ask some questions. 

From Law.com International in Hong Kong, this is the Asia Legal Briefing. I am Anna Zhang, here to help you digest some of the stories my colleagues and I write about the law and the business of law in Asia. You can also find this briefing here on our website and sign up to receive copies directly in your inbox. And feel free to share comments and feedback at [email protected] or on Twitter @lawdotcomasia.

My colleague Vincent Chow talked to legal scholars and wrote about the implications of the Essex Court sanctions and the aftermath. He draw parallels between what's happening among London barristers and the political and business juggle lawyers in Hong Kong have to balance. Read here if you have not.

Mumbai Photo by Roman – stock.adobe.com