Veirano Advogados, one of Brazil’s largest law firms, has elected a female managing partner for the first time in its 50-year history. Corporate partner Paula Surerus joined Veirano in 2013 and has been part of the firm’s managing committee since 2020, in charge of the overall coordination of legal practices. She assumes the managing partner position from partner Ricardo Veirano, who led the firm for the last six years, and says Surerus “could not have been more prepared to take on the position of managing partner.”

“She has the respect of partners, incredible business acumen and agility, knows our business in detail and is extremely empathetic and concerned with our clients and employees,” said Veirano. “I take great pride and peace of mind in passing the baton on to her, knowing that we will reach new heights as a firm under her leadership. Furthermore, I look forward to returning to the ‘frontline’ of corporate transactions more intensively and also to the development of more business with our current clients and prospects.”