As September gives way to October and the long days of summer draw to a close, it also marks the start of a new season for many in the legal industry.

Monday heralds the start of the new legal year. An annual service is held on the first Monday of October at Westminster Abbey. The tradition dates back to 1897 when judges would pray for guidance at the start of the legal term, and continues—largely unchanged—to the present day. New Justices of the U.K. Supreme Court, dressed in ceremonial gowns, take oaths of office, and it’s around this time the new president of the Law Society is sworn in. The current president, Lubna Shuja, is expected to hand the baton to vice president, Nick Emmerson, as is customary, and the Society will enter its 200th anniversary year. What’s more, the judiciary will be headed by a woman for the very first time as Dame Sue Carr will officially be sworn in as Lady Chief Justice.