Highly regarded in the world of litigation and one of the most senior women at Dechert, London-based Dorothy Cory-Wright talks to Law.com International about standing out, promoting more women to equity partner level, driving a Volvo and high vet bills. 

Did you find it a challenge to start your career in what is still somewhat considered a male-dominated environment?

My pupillage was in shipping and insurance at Gerald Darling's chambers in Queen Elizabeth's Building in the early eighties. They welcomed me in as a state-educated, non-Oxbridge girl, not knowing anyone at the Bar and, frankly, without a clue about the subject matter. Let's just say that it was effortless to stand out from the crowd. I had lots of excellent mentors, both male and female, along the way. More generally, I do not believe that I have been discriminated against materially in my career while, like most of us, regardless of gender, having to put up with the occasional annoyance.