ALM is setting a new direction for research with the release of its newest product, ALM Intelligence Pacesetter Research. Pacesetter Research takes a platform view of the two-sided market for professional services, providing objective assessments of service providers and insightful viewpoints on demand trends that help buyers evaluate their options and providers identify business opportunities and threats. The research reports feature insightful analysis on each of the segment leaders, which are nominated by the Pacesetter Advisory Council, which is composed of buy-side professionals and experts from throughout each industry.

What is an ALM Intelligence Pacesetter?

ALM Intelligence Pacesetters are selected from the set of Market Leaders based on qualitative and quantitative analysis that determines whether the Provider is “moving the needle” to create value for clients by solving clients’ challenges and supporting their business needs. ALM Pacesetters are identified and evaluated using 5 core criteria.

How Are Pacesetters Identified?

The ALM Intelligence Pacesetter Research Advisory Council (PAC), comprised of internal ALM experts, intelligence analysts, and external market professionals, identify Market Leaders that will be covered in the research topic from a larger group of providers that members have identified in the normal course of their work

    The ALM Pacesetter Team within ALM Intelligence conducts primary and secondary research:

    • Primary research includes in-depth interviews with practice leaders at the provider firms covered in the research; satisfaction interviews with clients referred by those providers; and in-depth interviews with thought leaders, recruiting professionals, and other sources

    • Secondary research includes data gathered from annual reports and earnings calls, management presentations, public filings, case studies, press releases, journals and publications, online information databases and other publicly available resources

  • ALM Pacesetter analysts evaluate and score the Market Leaders against five core criteria, Business Model, Value Proposition, Service Delivery, Client Impact, and Brand Eminence

  • Market Leaders that achieve a Pacesetter Impact Score equal to or over 85 are designated as ALM Pacesetters

Who Should Read Pacesetter Research?

ALM Pacesetters provides independent, objective research to providers and buyers of professionals services, coupled with practical insights that inform the decision-making process for strategic planning and procurement professionals.

Sell-side Audience
  • Practice Leaders
  • Analyst Relations
  • Sales, Marketing & Public Relations
  • Investor Relations
  • Ecosystem Partners
Buy-side Audience
  • C-Suite & Board
  • Business Unit Leaders
  • Procurement
  • Supply Chain Partners
  • Shareholders
Consultants standing around a conference room table discussing an engagement with a client after a presentation

Report Titles & Descriptions

Financial Crisis Management

This report covers providers who identify and manage crisis prevention & monitoring, financial forensics investigations, disputes & litigation, and financial distress & recovery

Regulatory Risk

This reportcovers providers who identify and mange the risks incurred when changes in regulations and law adversely impact the economic value of a business

Enterprise Risk Management

This report covers providers who identify and mange risks that could prevent the fulfillment of a company’s value proposition

Workforce Management Services

This report explores how B2B service providers help clients manage their ability to source, develop, engage and retain the human resources required to thrive in the post-COVID economy

M&A Services

An update from the M&A Services 2022 report, this research continues to track where innovation is happening in a fast-pased space that is being rapidly reshaped by the post-pandemic world

Supply Chain

This research will examine how professional services providers are helping clients grapple with issues and the strategic, operational, technology, legal, and risk implications

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Legal Departments – Legal Operations

This research assesses providers’ strategies and service offerings identified as Market Leaders for their ability to deliver client impact in legal operations

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Finance Strategy

This report examines where providers (financial advisors, legal, management consulting and multiservice) are bringing innovation into addressing the financial impact of the COVID crisis

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Employee Well-being

This research will examine professional services providers’ strategies and service offerings on their ability to deliver client impact in today’s ever-shifting employee well-being markets

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This research focuses on the profound changes that have unfolded in the cybersecurity realm and how innovators in professional services – in this report, insurers, law firms, management consultants, multiservice providers and technology providers – are adapting

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Digital Transformation & Digital Services

This research details how innovators in the rapidly-evolving digital technology space are helping clients find practical ways to leverage the power of new digital technologies to achieve competitive-advantage-level business results

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Reputational Risk

With the advent of social media and increasing social activism, reputational risk has turned from a scarcely discussed business topic 10 years ago, to one of concern and priority in 2022. Innovative service providers are reacting to this need by developing reputational risk management frameworks that help prepare clients to understand and strategically manage their own reputational risk.

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This research focuses on how providers have shifted their focus from the physical deployment of people to the mobilization of talent and skills, helping clients build long-term resiliency into the service delivery models

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Legal Departments: Spend Management

This research focuses on how cutting spending on outside counsel is only part of the story on spend management. Legal departments need to challenge the notion that they are cost centers by enhancing their value in their organizations and reinforcing the role they play in scanning the horizon for risks and helping leadership make risk-informed decisions.

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ESG: Environmental

This research finds that professional service providers and their clients are facing growing pressure to implement ESG-related programs from legislators, investors, and the business ecosystem. As a result, the service emphasis among innovators in professional services has moved from a compliance checklist approach to one that is proactive and strategic

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Data Governance

With the rise of data governance regulation and growing cybersecurity threats, data governance has become a prime area of focus for organizations struggling to manage the rivers of data flowing hourly through their systems – but some organizations already neck-deep into their digital journeys are finding their pandemic-era digital investments are not paying off quite as expected.

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Succession Planning

Succession planning now focuses on building a talent pipeline for critical roles beyond top executives. The pandemic and Baby Boomer retirements have exacerbated the talent shortage. Effective frameworks align with business goals and adapt to evolving needs, ensuring stability. Innovative providers offer strategic, skills-based succession planning to address these challenges.

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Upcoming Themes & Topics

  • Data Governance
  • Workplace Strategy
  • Succession Planning
  • Client Engagement
  • ESG: Social
  • Legal Departments: Risk Management
  • Benefits/Rewards
  • Claims
  • Defining & Managing Culture
  • Legal Departments: eDiscovery and Information Governance
  • HR Management
  • Supply Chain
  • M&A

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