Both before and during the pandemic, organizations made big investments in their supply chains driven by shifting client demand, new regulations, and global political and economic volatility. However, these investments tended to be in response to specific problems, and rarely did solutions look beyond those specific issues. This has led to a shift in service emphasis in 2023 as clients, still struggling with difficult macroeconomic conditions, seek to rationalize and more readily assimilate earlier investments to achieve the best outcomes for their customers.

Join our analysts and experts as they dive into the recently released research and discuss key topics such as:

-Supply chain management is one of the primary areas of investment in 2023 for many professional services providers, ranking with M&A and restructuring services in terms of resources
-Global trade is undergoing a profound reorientation with organizations seeking to simplify and localize/regionalize their supply chain networks, a trend accelerated by geopolitical volatility
-Investments in digital technologies in supply chain management have accelerated, but with different players (both internal and external partners) at varying levels of digital maturity, misalignment between data and technology environments has become a severe impediment to achieving key supply chain goals
-Innovators have focused on helping clients transform their supply chain networks into value creation centers by integrating supply chain strategy with enterprise strategy, balancing in the process cost, agility, resiliency, and sustainability
And more!