Do Consultants Care About Consulting?

Ask consultants about their “industry” and you’re often corrected that management consulting is a “profession.” Much like doctors, scientists, and the clergy, many career consultants view their endeavor as a calling rather than a job.

Query buyers of consulting services, and you receive a different response. Many procurement officers view consulting as just another category spend – a service provider, yes, but viewed along the same lines as office supplies. Meanwhile, senior-level executives who engage with consultants often characterize them as deliverers or devils depending on outcomes.

The blurred picture presents an interesting challenge for those of us who monitor and chronicle this industry/profession. On one hand, most consultants identify themselves through their clients’ eyes – “I’m a healthcare specialist” … “We know the German market” etc. Rarely do you hear consultants talk about the business of their business. Those conversations are typically held among a small percentage of practice leaders within the inner sanctums of the firm.

Buyers, on the other hand, tend to view consultants as a homogeneous mosh pit separated only by the individual’s personal bias based on experience (or perception).

To better understand what informs consultants about their occupation — and if and why buyers value consultants — we invite you take our survey. You can follow this link to offer your inputs and will share the results.

We thank you for your opinions. We also may not settle the industry/profession debate. But at least we’ll know better how to serve those who choose this occupation.
