The lessons learned here can then be effectively communicated to the client in a “Wrap-Up” that will serve as a meaningful evaluation between the project manager and the client.


  • Create a list of key stakeholders to interview.
  • Identify an appropriate place to perform interviews (comfortable for information sharing).
  • Create a questionnaire to distribute to interviewees before meeting.
  • Schedule interviews.
  • Document results of interviews in IMPROVEMENTS TEMPLATE (document problems, things that could be improved, surprises, positive events that affected the project, what could have been done differently).
  • Create list of “Lessons Learned”.
  • Schedule WRAP-UP MEETING with law firm, stakeholders, and other stakeholders.
  • Create and distribute Post-Project Review agenda – items might include:
    • Project overview, background, and challenges
    • Review of ARO
    • Review of budget, strategy, and implementation plan
    • Review of execution and monitoring of plan
    • Review of outcome – compare any variances to original plan and reasons
    • Review feedback from stakeholders
    • Review analysis of future risks
  • Distribute and discuss “Lessons Learned”.

Lean Routine:

  1. Have you created an environment to perform “Stakeholder Interviews”?
  2. Have you identified the appropriate stakeholders to interview?
  3. Have you created a list of questions to ask the stakeholders?
  4. Have you scheduled interviews?
  5. Have you identified and documented which actions affected the project outcome?
  6. Have you identified and documented the problems which were encountered?
  7. Have you identified and documented all observations of how the project was implemented?
  8. Have the stakeholders shared any surprises?
  9. Have the stakeholders shared suggestions about what could have been done differently?
  10. Could the project/lawsuit have been resolved differently or sooner?
  11. What lessons were learned?