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 ”I communicate in clear unambiguous terms what I expect/need. I expect the same in reverse and also expect the communication to be in real time as a situation develops.” — Andrew Garard, Group General Counsel & Director of Corporate Affairs, Meggitt

Whether the task is investigation, analysis, knowledge management or reporting, the guiding principles of lean comms are always the same: Keep it relevant, direct, and concise. As anyone who’s been in private practice will know, your firm can spend all the money in the world on consultants and technology, but if the GC doesn’t like you, you’re out. Consider then the quality and nature of your engagements with clients. If you can be concise and helpful, the chances are that will translate into likeability. If you badger, bore or bewilder clients, the chances are you’ll be seen as just annoying. That’s one key reason why Lean Communications matter.

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