13. Legal Departments Worry Law Firms are Stingy When it Comes to Innovation
The 13th Annual Law Department Operations Survey released by the Blickstein Group found that general counsels are not thrilled with their outside counsel’s technology efforts.
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14. How Outside Counsel Can Build Better Bonds With In-House Clients
3. Provide End-to-End Service to Your Client
Two experienced general counsels explain their formula for how outside counsel can establish, sustain, and grow the critical relationship with the general counsel and the in-house team.
15. Cost Burn Against Progress Are Must Monitor Items for Lawyers
3. Provide End-to-End Service to Your Client
Monitoring legal spend involves looking at the money spent, sure, but it also has to take into account progress.
16. Keeping Clients Motivated
3. Provide End-to-End Service to Your Client
It is easy for lawyers to forget that while they live in the legal environment all year, clients do not. It would be an error to assume that client motivation is a steady state.
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