17. How to Retain Talent
Suppose law firms also looked at their attorneys with a different perspective. Suppose they looked at their daily work and their lives outside the firm. The same change in operating methods and mindset will go a long way to helping firms retain associates.
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18. Is The Talent War a Calamity or an Opportunity?
3. Provide End-to-End Service to Your Client
Many will view the “talent wars” as a negative. But it isn’t just a cue to re-visit hiring and promotion, it’s also a prompt for reflection. Law firms can use this unique set of circumstances in the job market as an opportunity to examine some processes that can be improved upon — and get lean.
19. How to Lead a Remote Workforce
3. Provide End-to-End Service to Your Client
The days of giving a young lawyer an assignment without any instructions and letting them sink or swim are gone. That’s not exactly efficient, and associates who get thrown in at the deep end are likely to get out and go find a nicer pool, with warmer water and a lifeguard.
20. Fretting Over the State of the Legal Industry? Try Looking In the Right Place
3. Provide End-to-End Service to Your Client
State of the Industry Part 1: Introduction
Specialize in your clients, understand their pressures and make tackling them your first priority. There’s no avoiding an economic reality, but if you want to navigate the best path through it, focus on the clients and their problems. This lesson begins the series on the 6 most immediate GC challenges.
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