35. A $2,500 Per Hour Rock-Star Partner Can Be A Blessing
Value is subjective — it’s what you’re willing to pay, and that in turn is driven by two variables: First, the nature of the client’s problem; and second, how effectively and efficiently the law firm can solve it. Sometimes it’s better to have one “rock-star” partner look at the problem for an hour at $2,500 and fix it, versus a team of associates at lower rates look at it for a week and fail to solve it.
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Read These Next
1. Communicate the Way Clients Prefer
3. Provide End-to-End Service to Your Client
Keep communications relevant, direct, and concise, and your clients will thank you.
2. Maintain Lean Communication With Clients, Opponents and Others
3. Provide End-to-End Service to Your Client
Clients hate to be kept in the dark and then blindsided. But equally, they don’t want to be burdened with every trivial detail.
3. Sequencing a Legal Project Is Critical to Meet Client Expectations
3. Provide End-to-End Service to Your Client
Clients appreciate that you first created a plan, then executed it, continually monitoring progress. This is the essential foundation of lean lawyering for your client.
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