Released in May, Gartner's Magic Quadrant for E-Discovery report indicated that the e-discovery industry is changing as the result of a number of pressures. The volume of information created by organizations and the diversification of sources has made the challenges of electronic discovery more acute. At the same time the complex search requirements of other data heavy processes offer e-discovery software providers new avenues of expansion.

Legaltech News recently had an opportunity, to speak with Nuix's head of e-discovery solutions, Sean Byrne, about the company's placement in the “leader” quadrant of the report, as well as some of the trends the company sees shaping the future and present course of the industry.

Speaking about their inclusion in the leader quadrant, Byrne said, “Any time the e-discovery community recognizes you as a leader it's flattering, and our clients are using our software to solve some the world's biggest complex data issues.”