“As challenging as the threat landscape is today, it will only get dramatically more complex as billions of new devices connect to the Internet—and attract new and evolving threats,” said Ken Schneider, vice president of technology strategy at Symantec. And in order to combat that increasing complexity, Symantec, along with partner Frost Data Capital, is attempting some innovative solutions.

Symantec and Frost Data Capital have announced that they will be partnering to help launch and grow 10 start-up companies per year, providing funding, resources, and expertise. These 10 companies, which will focus on cybersecurity analytics, Big Data, and Internet of Things (IoT) security, will receive access to Frost Data Capital's analytics ecosystem and Symantec's security experts.

“While technology incubation programs to advance startups aren't uncommon, this partnership is the first of its kind to support the cybersecurity industry,” Schneider said in an interview with Legaltech News. “Symantec and Frost Data Capital are not focused on startups that have already been created and funded. Rather, Symantec, its partners and Frost Data Capital will all contribute to the ideation stage to help address customer needs and solve cybersecurity problems created by new and disruptive technological trends, such as the Internet of Things.”