There is a common misconception in the legal industry that e-discovery managed services are only a feasible option for larger law firms and corporations. This is likely due to the fact that the most popular managed services models are comprehensive packages with the option to include everything the service provider has to offer. While managed services can be an all-inclusive package where the service provider operates as the law firm's external e-discovery department, they can also be as simple as renting software licenses by the “seat” with a set amount of storage to start.


The Technology Advantage

Tight timelines and the volume of data in even the smallest matters require solutions that speed the discovery process and minimize the total time to review. Coupling document review with advanced analytics, such as email threading, near-duplication, conceptual analysis, and predictive coding can dramatically improve review time and consistency. However, implementing these tools (often from several different software developers) is costly, and the investment does not come without risk of the technology becoming outdated.

Advances in natural language processing, communication analysis, audio review, and social media analysis are showing up in new and updated solutions. Managed service providers act as a buffer, offering guidance and proof-of-concept testing to make sure the technology is the right fit before there is a significant outlay of resources.