Craig Carpenter has been around the legal technology industry, having worked as a vice president at Recommind, chief marketing officer of AccessData, and president and chief operations officer of AccessData spinoff Resolution1 Security, among other jobs. But now is what he says is his greatest challenge: Returning Kroll Ontrack to the “gold standard.”

On Nov. 16, e-discovery and data recovery products and services provider Kroll Ontrack named Carpenter as the company's senior vice president, legal technology sales. Most recently, Carpenter worked for Resolution1 Security for about one year since its spinoff from AccessData Group. He was previously with Recommind between 2006 and 2013.

Carpenter says that while he was working with competitors, Kroll was considered the gold standard in the industry. “The prospect of working for a company that is still doing quite well, but in some people's minds isn't necessarily the gold standard in the same way it was before, and getting it back to that level is very attractive,” he said.