For some legal technology companies, the true spark and support for innovation lies with one's spouses and children.

From fostering a culture of collaboration in-house to creating dedicated spaces for brainstorming at firm offices, many in today's legal industry are constantly on the lookout for innovative ideas and thinking. But for those legal technology startups at the forefront of this movement, the creation and development of these new ideas sometimes happens more at home than in the office.

Legaltech News examined three legal technology companies that show the innovation and support behind new legal technology platforms and services is oftentimes a family affair, spurred by the help of spouses and children. While ideas always thrive and develop in an environment of collaboration, in legal, it can help if those collaborators are related.

The Spark of Spousal Support

With legal technology innovation, the term “no person is an island” can take on added meaning. After all, if it weren't for spouses, some legal tech ideas would never find their way ashore.