E-discovery conversations have traditionally revolved around email. But the practice, bolstered by innovative technology, is increasingly encompassing new multimedia formats.

Among the arenas under the media spotlight are audio and video. Veritone recognized this early on, and has turned to artificial intelligence to help manage the mounds of video and audio creeping up in cases.

“If you look at where we are in terms of the technology for AI today versus five years ago, it's a very different landscape,” said Michael Swarz, product marketing manager at Veritone. “Artificial intelligence can really help law firms and corporations and government legal folks tackle more quicker.”

In this final podcast from Legalweek 2018, Swarz discusses how Veritone employs AI to everything from facial recognition to translations; counters claims that the company's technology isn't AI; and gives a glimpse of what's in store for 2018.