Large-scale product overhauls from Thomson Reuters and LexisNexis have marked July a hot month for analytics. The latest to shine a spotlight on this technology is Seal Software, which in a move to bolster its own analytics suite announced July 12 its acquisition of Apogee Legal. Seal saw growth activity earlier this year, announcing a partnership with DocuSign and an investment of $30 million from Toba Capital, which is the company's principal investor. Seal Software is considered part of the intelligent contract analytics market, which Aragon Research estimates will reach a value of more than $10 billion by 2025. Seal CEO Ulf Zetterberg noted in a release Apogee's role in the company's advancement, saying, Apogee's team, " which includes more than 20 AI-literate lawyers” has helped the company's clients develop “advanced analytic 'packs' for highly complex cases.” Analytics technology shows no sign of slowing its growth into the legal sector. Thomson Reuters' Westlaw Edge, a revamp of Westlaw, utilizes analytics for both litigation and research. The same is true of LexisNexis' Lexis Analytics, a suite of technologies largely featuring those of acquired companies, like Ravel Law and Lex Machina.