Hinostroza v. Denny's, Inc.

Dining at Denny's

Everything But the Kitchen Sink

Roberts v. Clark Cty. School Dist.
  • The importance of the issues at stake in the action;
  • The parties' relative access to relevant information;
  • The parties' resources;
  • The importance of the discovery in resolving the issues; and
  • Whether the burden or expense of the proposed discovery outweighs its likely benefit.
Medical and Insurance Records: only assumption Text Messages, Emails, and Other Written Communications: Franklin v. United States Allstate Ins. Co. v. Nassiri Fitbit Data: Social Media Data: Employment Records:

Why Hinostroza v. Denny's Matters

Hinostroza Hinostroza Hinostroza David Horrigan is Relativity's discovery counsel and legal education director. An attorney, law school guest lecturer, e-discovery industry analyst, and award-winning journalist, David has served as counsel at the Entertainment Software Association, reporter and assistant editor at The National Law Journal, and analyst and counsel at 451 Research.