Christy Burke Burke & Company LLC Education Connecticut College In school, did you consider a career in science, technology, engineering or math? What was your first paid job? Current job: Worldox Legal Technology Media Group (LTMG) Collective What was your “first seat at the table” and how did that experience influence you? MullenLowe Lintas Group First obstacle and how you overcame it: Most flagrant sexism you personally encountered and how you addressed it? Most recent accomplishment: Legal IT Today Advice for young women: Five favorite technology tools (not counting your family products):
  1. BlackBerry KeyONE smartphone running on Android. I have an iPhone, too, but I can't let the BlackBerry keyboard go just yet!
  2. The World Clock helps me calculate time zones around the globe.
  3. XE Currency Converter is very useful becuse I travel frequently.
  4. Hosted Quickbooks provided by HarborCloud is my go-to resource for all things financial for my company.
  5. Epicurious is great for finding free recipes for anything.
Book that inspired you? Les Miserables Favorite charities: Coalition for the Homeless Plan International Favorite vacation: Your mantra Favorite quote Helen Keller Monica Bay  is a Fellow at CodeX: The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics. She is a columnist for Legaltech News and is a freelance journalist (Alchemizing Law LLC). She is a member of the California Bar. In 2015, she retired from ALM (Editor-in-Chief at Law Technology News). She lives in Connecticut but can get t   Yankee Stadium  in two hours.