Smart Contract Photo: Shutterstock

Even smart contracts can be made to look foolish. Case in point: The Japan-based NRI Secure Technologies has rolled out a blockchain security monitoring service, and one of the first tools in its belt is Mythril, a smart contract security diagnosis and analysis tool proffered by ConsenSys Diligence.

Mythril was specifically designed to review smart contracts hosted on Ethereum, a blockchain-based distributive computing platform that found itself with a problem last month after hackers breached a smart contract associated with its adult entertainment offering SpankChain and absconded with $38,000.

That raises… well, several questions, really— but the most important of which may be: Can smart contracts be secured faster than they are being accepted into the mainstream? NRI sure seems to hope so.

“In the blockchain space, the smart contract is getting popular now. We wanted to launch this new service before smart contracts becomes common in blockchain space,” Teruhiro Tagomori, a security engineer at NRI, said in an email.

Smart contracts allow for an agreement to be automatically executed by a program operating on a decentralized network where all parties involved can see what's happening. They have an obvious utility in transactions related to real estate or securities settlements, but are only as secure as their least flagrant bug.

The hackers behind the SpankChain attack, for example, took advantage of a “reentrancy bug” in the smart contract that allowed them to call back into the payment channel multiple times.

“I do not think a smart contract itself has high security,” Tagomori said.

The idea behind Mythril is relatively straightforward: the product scans a smart contract and detects security risks before bad actors can, like finding and patching a hole in the roof before a storm clears the horizon.

In the case of Ethereum, it's more in the vein of patching 8,000 roofs daily, only instead of rain you're dealing with integer overflows (a type of bug that occurs when an integer exceeding the number of bytes allowed by a system's data type is placed into a computer memory).

Tagomori urges smart contract users to consider the differences between blockchain tech and more traditional web applications when thinking about security. For example, in addition to scanning all possible paths of the underlying program, one of the things that Mythril evaluates is the bytecode of the blockchain. Bytecode is the language of Ethereum, a code that is processed by a program and takes the place of source code in a smart contract.

“They need to know those [differences] well and prepare some mechanism like circuit breakers based on the premise that some vulnerabilities will be found after deploying smart contracts on public blockchain,” Tagomori said.