Looking to jump start your legal technology career but don't know how? Jared Coseglia of TRU Staffing Partners writes a monthly column on certifications to know and training to acquire in the industry for Legaltech News. This month's piece takes a look at ACEDS' E-Discovery Executive Certificate (eDEx) training program.

Despite increased consolidation and commoditization of the e-discovery industry, the demand for talent in this vertical of the legal technology ecosystem is constant and still expanding. While areas of discipline like security, privacy and governance have garnered the spotlight in 2018 with milestone moments like the GDPR and the continuing litany of corporate data breaches like at Equifax, e-discovery has remained an unwavering beacon of opportunity for professional reinvention and the potential for extreme profitability. Private equity and venture capital concerns continue to pour investment into e-discovery service providers, and the technical competency requirements for lawyers are increasing globally in scope.