A Year of Inflection

The year 2020, while still winding its tortured way through our collective conscious, has been one of trial and tribulation, revelation, innovation, recontextualization, and renaissance. In the U.S., in addition to the enduring life and work changes initiated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the country witnessed the face of indifferent systemic racism so distressingly personified by the killing of George Floyd in Minnesota by a law enforcement officer. A system of brick walls mortared by unconscious, subconscious, and conscious bias will take a while to dismantle. Similarly, the challenges posed by the loss of in-person communication and collaboration in a service industry built on relationships and apprenticed knowledge transfer may also seem daunting. The inflection points reached in each of these instances will have lasting and irreversible effects on the way we encounter work and personal life, and for those of us in the legal industry especially, offer hope for the future.